1st Grade Level 2 Phonics App (Phonics 1st Grade 2) Lite

Grade:1st Grade L2
Topic: Phonics
Publisher:Kiz Phonics, Eduterials Ltd.
Grade:1st Grade L2
Topic: Phonics
Publisher:Kiz Phonics, Eduterials Ltd.
This app works great with our KIZ PHONICS BOOK 5 for 1st grade Level 2. It is a great complementary product.
VIDEOS: First, children will watch and learn words with the L blends and R blend - bl, cl, fl, pl, br, cr, dr, fr, gr. These videos will also take in long vowels a, e, and i with their corresponding vowel digraphs such ay in words like play, ai in words like train, ee in words like sheep, ea in words like seal and the long vowel sounds of 'y' as in windy and cry. They will also learn how the silent E changes the short 'a' to long 'a' in words like van - vane, plan - plane and the short 'i' to long 'i' kit - kite and more.
There are 4 short stories aimed at extending practice of blends and long vowels.
GAMES: Every video is accompanied by a drag and drop activity or two to help practice what was taught in the videos. These games will ensure that learners have enough practice to learn and master the core concepts of this level. At the end, your child will be reading words with R & L blends like bread, blend, crab, clap, van - vane, kit - kite, play, pray, train, snail etc. This is a key level in learning to read words and sentences in English using the rules of phonics.