Short ‘A’ Word Families Game : at, an, am, ab, ag, ap, ad
Built around words with the short vowel ‘a’, these phonics games will help children review and practice many two-letter word families or word patterns.
Short ‘A’ Word Families Game : ack, alf, and, ank, ant, ash, ast
Built around words with the short vowel ‘a’, these phonics games will help children review and practice many three-letter word families or word patterns.
Short ‘E’ Word Families Game : ed, eg, em, en, ep, et
Built around words with the short vowel ‘e’, these phonics games will help children review and practice many two-letter word families or word patterns.
Short ‘E’ Word Families Game : ell, end, ent, est
Built around words with the short vowel ‘e’, these phonics games will help children review and practice many three-letter word families or word patterns.
Short ’I’ Word Families Game : ib, id, ig, im, in, ip, it, ix
Built around words with the short vowel ‘i’, these phonics games will help children review and practice many two-letter word families or word patterns.
Short ’I’ Word Families Game : ick, iff, ink, int, ish, ist, itch
Built around words with the short vowel ‘i’, these phonics games will help children review and practice many three-letter word families or word patterns.
Short ’O’ Word Families Game : ob, od, og, om, op, ot, ox
Built around words with the short vowel ‘o’, these phonics games will help children review and practice many two-letter word families or word patterns.
Short ’O’ Word Families Game : ock, ong, ond, ost
Built around words with the short vowel ‘o’, these phonics games will help children review and practice many three-letter word families or word patterns.
Short ’U’ Word Families Game : ub, ug, um, un, up, us, ut
Built around words with the short vowel ‘u’, these phonics games will help children review and practice many two-letter word families or word patterns.
Short ’U’ Word Families Game : uck, ump, ung, unk, ust
Built around words with the short vowel ‘u’, these phonics games will help children review and practice many three-letter word families or word patterns.
Long 'a' Word Families Game : ace, ake, ade, age, ame, ane, aze, ape, ale, ave, aste, ate
Built around words with the long vowel ‘a’ and the bossy ‘e’, these phonics games will help children review and practice many three-letter word families or word patterns.
Long 'a' Word Families Game : aid, ail, aim, ain, ay
Built around words with the long vowel ‘a’ and the vowel digraphs ‘ai’ and ‘ay’, these phonics games will help children review and practice many two or three-letter word families or word patterns.
Long 'e' Word Families Game : each, east, eak, eam, ean, eap, ead, eal, eat, ea
Built around words with the long vowel ‘e’ and the vowel digraph ‘ea’, these phonics games will help children review and practice many three or four-letter word families or word patterns.
Long 'e' Word Families Game : ee, een, eep, eed, eek, eet
Built around words with the long vowel ‘e’ and the vowel digraph ‘ee’, these phonics games will help children review and practice many three or four-letter word families or word patterns.
Long 'e' with 'y' and 'ey'
Built around words with the sound of ‘y’ as long vowel ‘e’, these phonics games will help children review and practice word families or word patterns.
Long 'i' Word Families Game : ice, ize, ide, ife, ile, ike, ine, ime, ipe, ite, ive
Built around words with the long vowel ‘i’ and the silent ‘e’, these phonics games will help children review and practice many three-letter word families or word patterns.
Long 'i' with 'y' & 'igh'
Built around words with the sound of ‘y’ as long vowel ‘i’ and the vowel digraph ‘igh’, these phonics games will help children review and practice word families or word patterns.
Long 'o' Word Families Game : oad, oak, oap, oaf, oach, oast, oal, oam, oan, oat, ow, oe, ost, old
Built around words with the long vowel ‘o’ and the vowel digraphs ‘oa, ow, ost and ‘old’, these phonics games will help children review and practice many three or four-letter word families or word patterns.
Long 'o' Word Families Game : obe, ode, ope, oke, ole, ose, one, ome, ote, ove, oze
Built around words with the long vowel ‘o’ and the silent ‘e’, these phonics games will help children review and practice many three-letter word families or word patterns.
Long 'u' Word Families Game : ube, ude, ute, ule, uke, use, une, ume, oo, ew
Built around words with the long vowel ‘u’ with the silent ‘e’ and the vowel digraphs ‘oo’, which make long and short sound, these phonics games will help children review and practice many three or four-letter word families or word patterns.
R-Controlled Vowels & Diphthongs Game : ar, ir, ur, er, oi, oy, ow, aw, all
Built around words with the r-controlled vowels and double vowel or diphthongs, these board games will help review word patterns and phonemes.