short ‘a’ sentence game – Kindergarten
Practice sentences with the short 'a' as in words like bad, cat,…

short ‘e’ sentence game – Kindergarten 1
Practice sentences with the short 'e' as in words like bed,…

short ‘i’ sentence game – Kindergarten 2
Practice sentences with the short 'i' as in words like six,…

short ‘o’ sentence game – Kindergarten 2
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short ‘u’ sentence game – Kindergarten 2
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long ‘a’ silent ‘e’, vowel digraphs, sentence game – 1st Grade
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long ‘e’ vowel digraphs, sentence game – 1st Grade
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long ‘i’ silent ‘e’, vowel digraphs, sentence game – 1st Grade
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long ‘o’ silent ‘e’, vowel digraphs, sentence game – 2nd Grade
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long ‘u’ silent ‘e’, vowel digraphs, sentence game – 2nd Grade
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‘ou’, ‘ow’ diphthongs sentence game – 2nd Grade
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‘oi’, ‘oy’ diphthongs, sentence game – 2nd Grade
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‘ir’, ‘er’, ‘ur’ r-controlled vowel sentence game – 2nd Grade
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‘aw’, ‘all’, Special Vowels Sentence Game – 2nd Grade
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r-controlled ‘ar’ ‘air’ ‘or’ Sentence Game – 2nd Grade
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